

MARCH 11, 2024

Convidas. Primer Workshop: Contextos virtuales de aprendizaje 2024 institucion: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, UAM.

MARCH 7, 2024

Mujeres en las Ciencias Cognitivas y de Comportamiento, Coordinación de Ciencias Cognitivas y del Comportamiento, Factultad de Psicología, UNAM.

JANUARY 23, 2024

Simposium: enseñanza, epistemología, cognición y representaciones encarnadas. Facultad de Psicología, UNAM. 


DECEMBER 15, 2023

Ciclo de seminarios: Remedios cognitivos para cerebros artificiales, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Cuajimalpa, Departamento de Matemáticas Aplicadas y Sistemas.

NOVEMBER 17, 2023

IX Seminario Internacional sobre Comportamiento y Aplicaciones (SINCA), Universidad de Aguascalientes.

OCTOBER 20, 2023

Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas (IIMAS), UNAM, in the context of the 2023 Coloquio IIMAS.

SEPTEMBER 20, 2023

Facultad de Psicología, auditorio "Dra. Silvia Macotela" UNAM, organized by The Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences division of the Psychology department of the UNAM

APRIL 21, 2023

Mesa de discusión en Fiesta del Libro y la Rosa 2023. UNAM. Resistir con la Palabra: Utopías Posibles, sede Cuernavaca. Fiesta del Libro y la Rosa, Resistir con Palabra: Utopías Posibles, UNAM. 

MARCH 8, 2023

International Women's Day at the Facultad de Psicología UNAM, Semana del Cerebro de la Facultad de Psicología, Coordinación de Psicobiología y Neurociencias, de la Facultad de Psicología, UNAM. 

JANUARY 27, 2023

75 aniversario del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de las Américas Puebla, UDLA-P.  


NOVEMBER 25, 2022

Museo UNIVERSUM,  organizado por la Coordinación de Psicobiología y Neurociencias, de la Facultad de Psicología, UNAM. 

NOVEMBER 11, 2022

Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a seminar at the journal club of the Cognitive Robotics Laboratory, CInC, UAEM, México. 

SEPTEMBER 28, 2022

Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a talk on the Ciclo de Conferencias de Lenguaje y Predicción organized by the Laboratorio de Psicolingüística, División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación, Facultad de Psicología, UNAM.

MARCH 31, 2022

Alejandra Ciria was invited to participate in the discussion panel in the "Workshop Cabinets of Curiosities: Interdisciplinary thoughts on information processing, perception, and learning", organized by Collegium Helveticum, The joint Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) of the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and Zurich University of the Arts.

MARCH 14, 2022

Alejandra Ciria was invited to participate in the discussion panel in the "XX Conmemoración de la Semana del Cerebro" organized by the Coordinación de Psicobiología y Neurociencias, Facultad de Psicología, UNAM.


OCTOBER 29, 2021

Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a seminar at the journal club of the Cognitive Robotics Laboratory, CInC, UAEM, México. 

OCTOBER 16, 2021

Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a talk at the "COGNITIO 2021 - Active inference and collective intelligence", an Online Conference organized by the Institut des Sciences (ISC) Cognitives Université du Québec  à Montréal (UQÀM) and the Nested Minds Network (NMN). 

OCTOBER 7, 2021

Alejandra Ciria was invited as a member of a panel discussion at the "Nuestra Nueva Realidad, Jueves de Ciencia",  to talk about the documental "Nueva Inteligencia Artificial: Robótica Cognitiva" directed by Jaime Kuri, in which she participated among several specialists on the topic in 2018. The event was organized by TV UNAM and Fundación UNAM. 

SEPTEMBER 30, 2021

Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a seminar at the "Curso de actualización en "Neurociencias Cognitivas", organized by the Coordinación de Psicobiología y Neurociencias, Facultad de Psicología, UNAM.

July 12, 2021

Alejandra Ciria gave a talk in the "Seminario de Predicción" in which she is a member, organized and sponsored by the proyect "PAPIIT 2021 (IN303221): “Efecto de la restricción oracional y la similitud de palabras en la actividad electroencefalográfica anticipatoria”, Facultad de Psicología, UNAM. (*Authors of the paper: Grisoni, Tomasello, and Pulvermüller, 2021)

MAY 8, 2021

Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a seminar at the XVI Cátedra Mercedes Rodrigo, "Psicología 4.0  La Revolución de una Ciencia en Evolución", organized by ASCOFAPSI, María Cano Fundación Universitaria, and Universidad CES, Colombia. 

APRIL 30, 2021

Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a seminar at the journal club of the Cognitive Robotics Laboratory, CInC, UAEM, México. 

FEBRUARY 24, 2021

Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a talk at the "1er Ciclo de Conferencais Fronteras en la Cognición" organized by the Facultad de Psicología, Coordinación de Psicobiología y Neurociencias, UNAM, México. 


OCTOBER 30, 2020

Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a talk at the Primera “Jornada Estatal del Conocimiento Virtual 2020”, organized by the Centro Morelense de Comunicación de la Ciencia.

AUGUST 8, 2020

Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a talk at the weekly seminar Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy, UNAM, México. 

JULY 31, 2020

Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a talk at the journal club of the Cognitive Robotics Laboratory, CInC, UAEM, México. 

JULY 17, 2020

Bruno Lara and Alejandra Ciria organized this seminar where various papers about attention will be presented by all the members of the Cognitive Robotics Laboratory, CInC, UAEM, México.

MAY 6, 2020

Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a talk at the journal club of the Cognitive Robotics Laboratory, CInC, UAEM, México. 

FEBRUARY 10, 2020

Workshop on Prediction Error, Organized by Bruno Lara and Alejandra Ciria at the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin.


NOVEMBER 22, 2019

Guido Schillaci organized a workshop on “Predictive processes for motor and cognitive development in robots” as part of his Marie Sklodowska Curie project “Predictive Robots” at the BioRobotics Institute at Sant’Anna featuring invited talks from Bruno Lara (UAEM, Mexico) and Alejandra Ciria (UNAM, Mexico).


Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a talk at the Seminar at the Cluster of Excellence “Science of Intelligence” (SCIoI) Technical University, Berlin.


Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a talk at the Group Seminar Berlin Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Lab, Technical University, Berlin.


Alejandra Ciria was invited to participate at the “The Active Self” Autumn School, Herrsching, Germany. “The Active Self” is an interdisciplinary network of more than 20 projects investigating the sensorimotor grounding of the human minimal self. Funded by the DFG.



Alejandra Ciria was invited to give a talk at the Science Art & Cognition, International Workshop, Centro Internacional de Ciencias. UAEM-UNAM